

Harthacnut was king of Daybreak, a long time ago. He was the last king. Civil servitude was not for him, and he busied himself with adventure, spent months of his years trapsing the wilds, and rarely showed up to court. He did not understand why a king would have to work.

Once October, he went Zigglewomping, the age-old practice of hunting the great beast Zigglewomp. Unlike everyone else, he survived.

He spent 63 years on (but barely on) the throne of the Ingle. 63 years is a long time to do much of nothing, and the people of Daybreak decided enough was enough.

So they wrote a law. It was the first law. Harthacnut the King of the Peoples shall not Shirk his Responsibilitie as King to the Kingdomme, under penaltie of being Locked Awaye for a Very Long Time. And Harthacnut, of course, had been jaunting all across that Kingdomme, and doing very little of his Responsibilitie.

With that, they sent the old king away to a prison on a high bleak rock in a thrashing sea. He is said to have enjoyed the food. When the prison was closed, years later, records were lost, and his wherabouts unknown. Some say he died of old age. Some say he got out, and now wanders the lands. Some say they've seen him quite recently.